Teachers Research Organization of Liberia

History of TROL

In the Liberia Secondary School System, recruitment of new qualified teachers is a serious challenge since the MoE does not have the additional approved positions. This has severely influenced the educational system and made schools struggle to provide adequate opportunities for learning by doing. There are 640 (junior and senior) public and community secondary schools across the country, and only 15 percent report having a functioning science laboratory (with equipment and supplies or in use), with varying disparities across counties. Approximately 22 percent of Montserrado County secondary schools have functioning laboratories. In comparison, 10 of the remaining 14 counties have few if any laboratories (Maryland has 2 percent, and River Gee has none), (Getting to Best Education Sector Plan 2017-2021). The Teachers Research Organization of Liberia (TROL) was established in 2015 by a Liberian Teacher Samuel Konah, Jr. who hails from Kpallah Town, Nimba County. He has the desire to build human capacity and explore Technology and Research. The decision to establish the Teachers Research Organization of Liberia (TROL) was based on the above and including the fact that the quality of teaching and learning which is badly damaged by long-term teacher absenteeism, that primarily involves teachers who have secured employment and abandoned their post (“ghost teachers”), teachers who misrepresented their qualifications to become a teacher, and those who do not have the minimum education requirements to teach amongst others. In the quest for establishment, he called on other Liberian Teachers to join in helping improve the educational sector of Liberia.The Teachers Research Organization of Liberia is currently undertaking a project titled: Integrating Digital Teaching Skill into Secondary Schools. The project is centered around video teaching of MoE's curricula and WASSCE guidelines including Lab demonstrations.